Cards Against Humanity: Rules

Cards Against Humanity is a popular party game that is played with a deck of cards and a set of rules that are designed to be as offensive and inappropriate as possible.

The game is played by four or more players, and the goal is to create the funniest and most outrageous combinations of cards.

Rules for how to play Cards Against Humanity:

  1. To start the game, the players shuffle the deck of cards and deal 10 cards to each player. The deck consists of two types of cards: white cards and black cards. The white cards contain various nouns, adjectives, and other words, and the black cards contain various phrases, sentences, and questions.
  2. The players then take turns being the “Card Czar,” who reads a black card aloud and selects the funniest or most outrageous combination of white cards from the other players. The Card Czar reads each of the selected white cards aloud, and then chooses the funniest combination as the winning answer.
  3. The player who played the winning combination of white cards scores a point, and the role of the Card Czar passes to the next player. The game continues with the players taking turns being the Card Czar and selecting the funniest combinations of white cards, until all of the cards have been played.
  4. At the end of the game, the player with the most points is the winner. They are declared the funniest and most outrageous player in the game, and they can choose to play again or to stop playing.

Cards Against Humanity is a fun and exciting party game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and abilities. It is a great game for developing a sense of humor and for having fun with friends, and it is a popular game that has been enjoyed by players around the world for many years.

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